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STRÖDTER Handling Technology GmbH
Gabelsbergerstraße 6 • 59069 Hamm (Germany)
Phone: +492385921210 • Fax: -9212121

Handle and relocate plate material!

Industrial manipulators and industrial grippers

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Handling manipulators for plate handling!
Reliable gripping and vacuum technology!

   Example video on Youtube

Flat glass and plate handling

For the handling of large and heavy insulating, laminated and safety glass panes in glass pane production and in the shipping area Strödter Handling Technology offers tailor-made manipulator systems for lifting, swiveling and transporting the panes. Strödter systems are available from well-known flat glass manufacturers have been in use for many years.

In use are pillars‑manipulators for individual workstations and manipulators that can be moved on ceiling rails for large work areas. Depending on the task, the glass panes are lifted and transported in a horizontal or vertical position and can also be swiveled
and rotated. The discs come with Vacuum traverses gripped.

To do this, the worker guides the vacuum traverse to the pane with the plate manipulator, positions the vacuum traverse to the pane and switches on the vacuum. The disc is sucked in, the suction power is queried and only when the suction power is secured is the pane put into a floating state by the manipulator and can now be floated lightly by the worker and transported sensitively.
Handling manipulator for sheet metal plates - metal plates and steel plates

Photo: Sheet metal plate handling

Handling manipulator to lift heavy wooden panels

Photo: Wood panel handling

Handling manipulator for window builders to lift glass panes

Photo: Flat glass handling

Handling manipulator for glass panes

Photo: Glass pane handling

Handling manipulator for plate handling

Photo: Vacuum gripper for plates

Welcome to − Your expert for precise handling of glass panes, wood and metal panels!

Discover first-class solutions for safe and efficient handling of sheet materials on our website. From innovative lifting aids to intelligent transport solutions, we offer products that optimize work processes. No matter whether you work in the glass, wood or metal industry − We have the right solutions. Some examples are shown here for the safe handling of glass panes, wooden and metal panels and for other materials. Our team is available to answer your questions and provide individual advice. Contact us − we will help you find the optimal solution. − Your future in safe and efficient panel handling!

Plate handling lifting aids directly from the manufacturer / system supplier / B2B

PDF plate handling page 1
PDF plate handling page 2
PDF plate handling page 3
PDF plate handling page 4
Download: Platten-Handling.pdf  | Fax-Formular.pdf |  Imprint | Phone: +492385921210 |
©STRÖDTER Handling Technology GmbH